Eco Literacy Board – Refreshed and Revisited

Monday, August 14th, 2023

Our rate of consumption is a problem. We are using the Planet’s natural resources 1.7 times faster than she can regenerate them. It is also a problem because of the mess we leave behind. Much of what we no longer need, finds its way into the Natural World. Here it remains, poisoning the land and impacting the health of life now, and well into the future.

This installation is designed to remind us of the cost of littering, that we have roles as stewards of this land and our responsibility to ensure that it continues to thrive for generations to come. We must reuse, recycle and repurpose all we do not need.

It is a funded collaboration between the GMPRG and the Missendens Community Board, and is guided by the Prestwood Village Association, the Great Missenden Parish Council and the Prestwood Scouts. 

'how long 'til it's gone'... eco literacy board placed in prestwood by great missenden and prestwood revitalisation group
The ‘ecoliteracy board’ refreshed and revisited, on the wall of the Scouts’ Hut at Prestwood Common.

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